I get an error message "Oops, This is A Members Only Area

Getting this error message is usually one of two things:

#1: Your membership level does not grant you access to the content you are trying to view

We have various membership levels, so what you have access to inside the members site depends on what program or meal plan subscription you have purchased.

Check your purchase receipt to view the plans/ programs you purchased.

If you want access to other areas, purchase a different meal plan or upgrade your membership.

#2: You are a member but you're not logged in.

It does happen, you may have forgot to login. Or if you're on your phone or tablet, you may have hit the 'logout' button by mistake.

Try logging in to view your content.

NOTE: When you are logged in you will see the 'logout' button in the nav menu, when you are logged out, you will see the 'LOGIN' button in the nav - that's a clear way to tell the difference.

#3: Your membership has expired.

If your monthly or yearly payment is due and didn't go through for some reason, you may be locked out from accessing members content.

You can login and go to your account page to view your membership status.

#4: It really is an error.

If for some reason you feel you should be able to access something but you can't, please contact us to report the issue.

We need to be aware of any technical issues and we're always here to help.

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