Add DMP Web App to Phone

While we don't have a native app that needs to be downloaded from the app store, you can easily save the DMP Web App on your phone, so you can access it anytime, anywhere.

Follow the instructions below for iphone or android phones. NOTE: Your screen may look slightly different depending on your phone, but overall the process will be similar.

1. Open the Safari browser

2. Type in the DMP Members website URL into the browser.

3. Press on the arrow icon at the bottom of the screen

4. Click on 'Add to Home Screen'

5. Change name, then add.

1. First change the name to something shorter.

For Members Site use: DMP Members

2. Click on 'Add' and the DMP icons will be added to your screen.

DMP Members is white.

When you need to access the sites, simply click on the app icons.

Android Phones

1. Open the Chrome browser

2. Type in the DMP Members website URL into the browser.

3. Click on dots in top right of screen.

4. Click on 'Add to Home screen'

5. Change the name 

Change the name to something shorter.

For Members Site use: DMP Members

6. Click on 'Add'

The DMP icon Members icon will be added to your screen.

DMP Members is white.

When you need to access the site, simply click on the Web App icons.

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